Mr. Laverty feels the Holy Spirit was clearly at work in guiding him to Saint Francis Xavier School. After a number of years teaching various subjects in area public and Catholic schools, Mr. Laverty received a call from Monsignor Richard Lavalley In early summer of 2022. When Monsignor Lavalley invited him to a meeting at the rectory, Kevin thought he was going there to discuss spiritual counseling, so he was a bit surprised when he arrived and found Monsignor along with the principal and assistant principal of SFX School waiting to see him. It turns out the meeting was to gauge Mr. Laverty’s interest in joining the middle school team at SFX to teach religion. Because this combined three of Mr. Laverty’s passions – faith, teaching, and reaching out to children – he was happy to say yes once he recovered from the shock of finding himself at an interview rather than a counseling session!
Mr. Laverty has immersed himself in the SFX School community and is a favorite with students and colleagues alike. His gift for connecting with students made him an obvious choice to become the next assistant principal – a role he will assume for the 2023 - 2024 school year as well as continuing to teach middle school religion and serving as 8th grade homeroom teacher.
Mr. Laverty’s educational path has led him through undergraduate studies in linguistics and medieval history, graduate work in U.S. history and education, and professional development in computer science and engineering education. He is also the recipient of the Boy Scouts of America Wood Badge Leadership training award and a graduate of the Diocese of Burlington’s Lay Leadership program.
Mr. Laverty and his wife Lisa are longtime residents of Essex, Vermont, and parents to seven boys: Val, Kris, Carl, Roland, Ollie, Gus, and Paul. (To read an article from a few years ago about the Laverty family, check out: Raising Seven Sons) Mr. Laverty is also extremely active in Scouting and in their local parish, St. Pius X.
Mr. Laverty has this to say about teaching religion at SFX School: “I enjoy walking with the students and faculty at St. Francis Xavier in their journey of faith. We have many joys to experience together, challenges to overcome, and lessons to learn. I look forward to going through them all with Jesus at our side.”